1. Take one, put one back...
    If you want to take a craft beer from the fridge, you must put a craft beer back in return, within two weeks time.
  2. ...or pay to have it restocked.
    If you do not expect to be at the office again very soon, you can choose to compensate the craft beer project with a small donation instead of restocking by yourself.
  3. Minimum donation is 4 euros.
    Some of the craft beers in the fridge retail for only €1.50, while others may cost in excess of 8 to 10 euros. Because of this diversity in pricing, we suggest a minimum donation of 4 euros. This allows us to restock the fridge with more unique and diverse beers. The more you contribute on top, the more exotic stuff can be placed back in the fridge. If you can, put the name of the beer you chose in the payment comment.
  4. Please play nice
    The craft beer fridge is an initiative started by your fellow coworkers, out of love for craft beer. While we have no means of punishing those who would abuse the system, we would be forced to stop if people do not contribute. Please play fair, and don’t take a craft beer without paying or putting something back.
Make a donation

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